Saturday, November 15, 2008

If only I were this lucky with women

Originally uploaded by iamcootis
So, I went to the Ghostland Observatory show last night. I started off the night by eating two slices at Hoboken Pies and then I sat at Bull McCabe's waiting for this girl I sold a ticket to to show up. The girl shows up and happens to be a really hot British chick who recently moved here. She said she hoped to see me inside. We texted back and forth a couple times after that, but I never saw her.

While at Bull McCabe's I shared a table with a couple of random people who turned out to be really cool. We hung out at the show.

While leaving the bathroom at Stubb's, I found two unused tickets on the ground. I held them up and asked if anyone had dropped them and no one replied, so I headed outside and sold them for $60. So, the next round was on me.

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