Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm a model, you know what I mean?

I guess I should update this so when my grandkids or my biographer wants to know what happened during June and July of 2009. I'll just make some bullets about each aspect of my life so that'll make it easier.

* modeling - I can now add runway modeling to my resume. Yelp had an event during Austin fashion week where some Yelpers got to put on some expensive clothes and walk down a catwalk at the Mohawk. I'm still waiting for that talent scout to call me.

* gardening - There is a drought going on all over Texas and it's killing my garden. The squash and zucchini where eaten up long ago by vine borers. Two of my cucumbers have succumb to the heat and my other cucumber and tomatoes are likely to be next. Surprisingly, the peppers really like the heat and are doing well, kinda.

* job - I got a job. It's somewhat a change in my career as I'm learning several new programming languages, APIs and such.

*Q-Bert - My beloved childhood pet had to be put down last week because he was suffering with renal failure. He was 16 years old, so it was for the best.

* art - I started painting a 6-canvas piece that is going to be my masterpiece once it's finished. I've also started doing some decorating in the living room and am finally turning a set of my boobs into a lamp.

There are probably a lot of other things I'm forgetting about, but this is about as much as you can soak in for one post.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Garden - 2 months

Garden - 2 months
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
So all the plants are huge. I've caged up all the tomatoes, staked up the peppers and gave the cucumber a bamboo pole to climb on. All the tomatoes have a huge lot of green tomatoes on them. The peppers aren't growing as well as I had hoped. I've only gotten a few banana peppers but no bell peppers. Got a couple small cucumbers, squash and zuchinni. I'm afraid the squash and zuchinni are going to cover up the spinach. I'm not too concerned about it because it didn't taste that great anyway.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

From the garden

from the garden
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
We've finally got some veggies from the garden. I ate some banana peppers the other day. Yesterday I picked the first cucumber. All the tomato plants have a lot of green tomatoes.

It rained quite a bit yesterday and some of the pepper plants were knocked over. I got some sticks to prop them up. They all seem a bit top heavy and I'm wondering if I should do the same with them as I do with the tomatoes and put them in cages.

In other new...I now have a contract-to-hire position. Right now I'm doing Flex and will soon be doing a lot of other things. I'm pretty sure these guys are going to give me an offer when the contract is up.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I've been doing stuff

Coronado Studio panorama
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
All one of you is probably asking "Why hasn't Camron updated his blog lately?"

The truth is, I don't really know. I'm somewhat busy, but at the same time I'm not. I've started volunteering/interning at Coronado Studios/ Serie Project as a printmaker. This mostly means that I do all the bullshit work that the people who actually get paid don't want to do like vacuuming, mopping, cleaning out screens and breathing in life-threatening chemicals. So, far I've assisted with the printmaking of two artists.

In other news, Soy Bombs played a show at SXSW and will be playing another event called Frugal Fest. Frugal Fest is partly my idea along with the people at Frugal Media. I booked all the bands, promoted the event, made t-shirts, etc. I'm hoping that it works out well for all and we get a bunch of new fans.

The garden is doing well. There aren't any vegetables yet, but some of the plants are flowering.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Planting stuff

more peppers
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
Wendy and I went to Natural Gardener in Oak Hill to pick up some plants today. I bought a couple tomatoes, cucumbers and an assortment of peppers. Fourteen plants plus the two tomato plants that Wendy had previously bought. That only filled up half the garden area. We have three rows and we're planting everything about a foot apart. Wendy still has some planters that she's waiting to sprout before planting. Next weekend I'll we're going to a gardening show to pick up some more things. Hopefully I can get a yellow bell pepper, some more cucumbers and perhaps some onions?

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm making a garden

Originally uploaded by iamcootis
So my roommate and I decided to dig up my backyard this past weekend to make way for a garden. It was somewhat a spur of the moment idea, so hope got some tools and starting digging up the grass. Hopefully it will happen because digging up my backyard would otherwise be a really stupid thing to do. I'm hoping to plant bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes. Wendy wants to plant zucchini and herbs. Any other suggestions? Tips on organic gardening?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The end of an Error

Originally uploaded by iamcootis
So after 2 years, 8 months of employment, MGAM has decided to layoff a crapload of people again. We hired a new CEO about 6 months ago and he only kept one of his promises from the first meeting he had with the company: "I'm not going to remember all your names."

I wish the company well in the future, especially since I still own stock.

I luckily got out of there with a buttload of severance and the momentum to do some awesome things in the future. We had known layoffs were coming for about a month and then the morning they finally happened I was afraid I wasn't going to be laid off. My boss was being laid off too, so to keep her from having to lay people off and then be laid off herself, they had someone else doing it. The person who laid off my other teammates kept bypassing me. So after about three hours of sitting around thinking I still had a job, someone else came and told me I was laid off.

I was really excited that it happened, but it was somewhat bittersweet because I found out I still had to work until the end of the month.