Thursday, November 20, 2008

Does it look like me?

My profile
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
So, I painted a self-portrait last night for my final painting class of this semester. I have several other paintings that I've done this semester that I haven't posted, but I will do so soon.
This one took me about three hours. The most difficult part was the eye and making the eyes, nose and mouth take the viewer's eye away from the flat expanse of neck.
I'd love to recieve any questions or comments.


jessica said...

Yes, it looks like you. Looking forward to seeing the other paintings!

Anonymous said...

it definitely resembles you. the painting is full of emotion. to me, it seems that you are trying to digest some bad news that you have just received. good job. your other paintings are beautiful, too.

Anonymous said...

did you use a profile photo to base the painting off of or did you utilize a couple mirrors periodically to catch your profile?