Saturday, July 19, 2008

Twin Peaks marathon weekend

So, I just finished watching the first season of Twin Peaks. Why did it take me nearly 20 years to watch this? This shot here is by far one of my favorite scenes in television history. This happens in the third episode and I'm pretty sure this was the scene where people made the decision if they were going to continue watching the show or not. I'm sure about half the people were like "WTF was that? This show is too crazy for me," and the other half were like "WTF, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen." Before this scene, the show seemed pretty normal.

Monday, July 14, 2008


bugs in seasoning
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
My roommate made some chicken tonight. He went looking for something to season it with and reached up in the cabinet and pulled down this Emeril's Southwest seasoning I've had for about three years now. It's a good thing he looked inside before he started pouring because the whole thing was full of bugs.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Cathedral of Junk

THe cathedral
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
So I went on a brunch date this morning with a really cool chick. We threw our bikes in the back of my car and after brunch pedaled down to the Cathedral of Junk. I haven't ridden my bike in a while and realized I was way out of shape. I had to rest quite a bit after we made it. I started rambling on about something and finally got to my point of wanting to kiss her so we had our first and hopefully not last sweaty kiss in the gut of the Cathedral of Junk. It was really sweet. I hope she doesn't think I'm a jackass.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Fourth of July

Get ready to die
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
Yesterday was probably the craziest Fourth of July I've ever had and I didn't see any fireworks. It started off with a pool party the the Domain. Yes I know, the Domain is kinda lame, but that's where it was.

Later, Rob, Jon, Kleen, Brent and I went to Beauty Bar for free drinks and then to Emo's to the Andrew WK show. You really must watch the video because I cannot explain the craziness. People were climbing on the ceiling. Probably 100 people, including me, jumped on stage. One guy was wearing a Borat swimsuit and a Mexican wrestling mask.

When it was over, some people were bloody, others were soaking wet. I on the other hand stayed out of most of the ruckus but still had a good time.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I'm in Blender

Originally uploaded by SilentRob79
Text from Rob: Dude we're in Blender.

Me: Awesome, what for?

Rob: Crowd shot at Coachella.

I wouldn't be able to see the photo until the next day at work, so I imagined that it would be me and Rob up-close, recognizable. Well, it's definitely us, but you wouldn't know that unless I told you and then pointed it out. So click on this image and you can see where we're at. You should then check out my Flickr set on Coachella and you can see that this is where I was standing during the Gogol Bordello set and I was wearing a bucket hat and shades.