Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Cathedral of Junk

THe cathedral
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
So I went on a brunch date this morning with a really cool chick. We threw our bikes in the back of my car and after brunch pedaled down to the Cathedral of Junk. I haven't ridden my bike in a while and realized I was way out of shape. I had to rest quite a bit after we made it. I started rambling on about something and finally got to my point of wanting to kiss her so we had our first and hopefully not last sweaty kiss in the gut of the Cathedral of Junk. It was really sweet. I hope she doesn't think I'm a jackass.


jessica said...

Hmm, if you want another date maybe you shouldn't show her your Hot Austin Chicks blog. Just saying.

iamcootis said...

Maybe I should put her on it.