Friday, September 26, 2008

Once in a Lifetime

"Dip your balls in it."

That's one of the nonsensical outbursts I heard last night at the David Byrne show. Who knew David Byrne had so many "that guy" fans.

I had tickets in the balconey and things were going great for about half the concert. Byrne was playing a lot of his newer stuff and the people were behaving themselves. Then, about 10 songs in, Napoleon Dynamite and Pedro come and sit right in front of me. Napoleon was moving his fro from side to side obstructing my view every other beat. Napolean was taking photographs every five seconds even though it was posted "No Photographs" when you walk into the theater.

Some jackasses got up to dance, so Napoleon got up to dance and completely obstructed my view. The guy danced like a complete retard. I turned to Johnny and said, "I didn't pay nothing to come here and look at Napoleon's ass and watch him dance like a retard."

Then Byrne practically made the audience beg for him to keep playing. I think they did something like 5 encores.

Oh well, I'm heading to ACL.

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