Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It snowed in Austin

Climbing trees
Originally uploaded by iamcootis
Wow! I made a blog that I never update -- how typical. I'm sure you're all wanting to know what is going on with my life. Well, let me tell you. I was once again laid off from my job, 364 days after my last lay off. I have this theory that my generation will become like those Vietnam veterans who never gained any skills and could never hold a job and are now sitting on the corner flying cardboard. We are a lost generation. I was at my last job for around 8 months and just when I felt like I was getting good at it, they let me go.

So that's that. Now, I'm just sitting at home chilling. Actually I'm building a web site template for our band and another band. It will be revealed soon. And I'm patiently waiting to hear back from the several places I've sent my resume.

It was 75 degrees on Sunday and then on Tuesday it snowed. I had a snowman come over to my house and climb my tree and play with Skrinkle.

Ok, so now that I've bored you to death, I'm going to get back to programming.

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