Saturday, January 17, 2009

The end of an Error

Originally uploaded by iamcootis
So after 2 years, 8 months of employment, MGAM has decided to layoff a crapload of people again. We hired a new CEO about 6 months ago and he only kept one of his promises from the first meeting he had with the company: "I'm not going to remember all your names."

I wish the company well in the future, especially since I still own stock.

I luckily got out of there with a buttload of severance and the momentum to do some awesome things in the future. We had known layoffs were coming for about a month and then the morning they finally happened I was afraid I wasn't going to be laid off. My boss was being laid off too, so to keep her from having to lay people off and then be laid off herself, they had someone else doing it. The person who laid off my other teammates kept bypassing me. So after about three hours of sitting around thinking I still had a job, someone else came and told me I was laid off.

I was really excited that it happened, but it was somewhat bittersweet because I found out I still had to work until the end of the month.

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