Friday, March 28, 2008

Oh no, not another stupid blog about Austin

Oh yes, it's another stupid blog about Austin. More importantly, it's about me and living in Austin, far Northwest Austin, not exactly Cedar Park, but it's close. I'm about as far out as one can go and still call himself an Austinite.

So, what am I going to find in this blog?

Well, basically it's going to be about myself and my thoughts and my adventures in Austin. I will also try to comment on worldwide news stories as well as new stories that pertain to Northwest Austin and just things I think are funny and/or amusing. I assume this blog will be ever evolving until I find my niche.

Why should I read this blog?

You may enjoy this blog if you live in Austin or have an affinity for Austin and/or myself. I have a strange sense of humor and have been writing humor columns, reviews, news stories, etc. on and off for about the past 10 years. I may also have some friends guest blog from time to time.

I guess that's all I want to say for now. End of first blog.


jackodn said...

Well, as a fellow resident of far northwest Austin, let me be the first to welcome this entry into the blogosphere.

Its quite exciting up here in the Austin hinterlands, what with our new chain restaurants and our traffic jams on the shiny new highways.

Walker said...

Got you msg on Yelp and wanted check out your new blog.


selloutboy said...

Nice ROTD! Glad you have this new blog going. I was just hoping there would be another Austin-centric blog today! Consider yourself a fave on my Reader.

Tobi said...

yay! i love reading other people's blogs.