Here is an update of the roses I planted in my backyard. The one on the right corner has started to bloom. The one on the left doesn't appear to even have any buds yet, but it doesn't get as much sun.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
U.R.A Fever
Went to see the Kills last night at the Parish. Just want to say that the lead singer is the sexiest woman alive. Too bad these crappy pictures do her no justice. Anyway, you should check out some of their videos on youtube.
The show was pretty awesome, but the Parish needs to invest in some air conditioning. It was like 120 degrees in there. I was wearing shorts and I could feel the sweat dripping down my legs. I felt sorry for the people around me wearing jeans and for the band who was wearing layers and under the lights.
The Parish also needs to speed up on bartending. I stood in line for what seemed like 30 minutes just to get a beer. Despite these two things, sound-wise it's still the best venue in town.
The show was pretty awesome, but the Parish needs to invest in some air conditioning. It was like 120 degrees in there. I was wearing shorts and I could feel the sweat dripping down my legs. I felt sorry for the people around me wearing jeans and for the band who was wearing layers and under the lights.
The Parish also needs to speed up on bartending. I stood in line for what seemed like 30 minutes just to get a beer. Despite these two things, sound-wise it's still the best venue in town.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
High Cholesterol
So, we had a health fair at work last week. Everything was pretty normal for me except my cholesterol. My total cholesterol was at 227. Up from 173 last year. You would think I would have to have eaten a cheeseburger and drank a milkshake before they tested me to get that score, but in fact my last meal was about twelve hours prior.
So, in an effort to curb my impending heart attack here are some things I'm cutting out of my diet:
1. Whole milk.
2. Cheeseburgers.
3. Cheese.
4. Eggs
I'm going to change to 2% milk in an effort to finally change to skim or soy milk. I only use it in my cereal anymore, so it hopefully won't be that big of a deal. And I will continue to eat cheese on my sandwiches until I can find a suitable alternative.
So if you're out eating with me and I try to order something that is questionable, it is your job to stop me from clogging my arteries.
So, in an effort to curb my impending heart attack here are some things I'm cutting out of my diet:
1. Whole milk.
2. Cheeseburgers.
3. Cheese.
4. Eggs
I'm going to change to 2% milk in an effort to finally change to skim or soy milk. I only use it in my cereal anymore, so it hopefully won't be that big of a deal. And I will continue to eat cheese on my sandwiches until I can find a suitable alternative.
So if you're out eating with me and I try to order something that is questionable, it is your job to stop me from clogging my arteries.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Red Eyes and Tears
Saw Black Rebel Motorcycle Club last night at Antone's. It's strange to me how these guys aren't bigger than they are. Usually when you go to a concert a band will play about 80% crap no one has ever heard and then about 20% of their hits. I'd say BRMC played about 75% hits last night. For some reason this is just one of those bands that I like their songs, but I don't think I would put their CD in my car and listen to it 10 times in a row. I think they lack that sing-a-long-ability that would totally put them over the edge. And for that, maybe I'm thankful.
An artist's work is never done (part 6)
well, here is the finished product, I think. I'm not sure how I feel about this now. I almost liked it more before I had added to it. I like the back, the hair, the arms, top and bottom. The legs and feet are a little weird and the background just isn't doing it for me anymore. I think it's the solid white. I might sit on this for a while and then go over it with something else.
Here are some things I've learned (and really I already knew). 1. If you're going to paint from a photograph, don't use a flash, instead use a directional light. I knew this, but at the time of taking this photo I had no idea I was going to paint it. It was sort of a shoot from the hip type photo and it just turned out really well. If you'll notice the painting lacks a lot of shadows, especially on the floor. The camera flash killed the shadows. 2. I really like painting from photos. You don't have to make someone sit for a couple hours and the photos never change. 3. Next time, set up a photoshoot before you paint. 4. Finish the painting in one sitting. Coming back later will just mess things up.
Here are some things I've learned (and really I already knew). 1. If you're going to paint from a photograph, don't use a flash, instead use a directional light. I knew this, but at the time of taking this photo I had no idea I was going to paint it. It was sort of a shoot from the hip type photo and it just turned out really well. If you'll notice the painting lacks a lot of shadows, especially on the floor. The camera flash killed the shadows. 2. I really like painting from photos. You don't have to make someone sit for a couple hours and the photos never change. 3. Next time, set up a photoshoot before you paint. 4. Finish the painting in one sitting. Coming back later will just mess things up.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Laying down some paint (parts 4 & 5)
Ok, so I worked for about 3 hours today putting some paint on the canvas and working in some of the details. I can foresee that the hardest part will be the toes and the ears. The original background of the photograph was pretty crappy and the floor and wall would have clashed with the subject, so I decided to paint the background light blue and white. I don't really have any reason for that except I think it helps the subject jump out a bit, while making it still look like she is kneeling on the floor with a wall/horizon in the background. If I had been thinking about posing this as a real picture I would have put a mirror on the other side, but that would have made this incredible difficult. So, I think I still have a few days to go with this painting. Hopefully, I'll be done by the end of the week. To see part 4, check out my flickr page.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Sketch (painting project part 3)
So as you can see I have my sketch on the canvas now. I had tried this several times without the grid, but I kept messing it up. I think it turned out pretty nicely. I'll have to do a couple touch ups here and there. I'll have to think of some background too.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Apparently there was a storm last night
I must have slept through most of this. I knew it rained and there was some lightning. Johnny put his car in the garage because he heard it was going to hail. I don't think it hailed at all in our neighborhood. At least I didn't hear it.
I've also heard that there was a tornado at Anderson Mill and 183. So, there was a tornado probably less than a mile away from me and I knew nothing about it.
Oh well, here is a picture of a downed tree. I don't know where it's at, but it's a product of the storm. Looks like some areas got the crap beat out of them.
I must have slept through most of this. I knew it rained and there was some lightning. Johnny put his car in the garage because he heard it was going to hail. I don't think it hailed at all in our neighborhood. At least I didn't hear it.
I've also heard that there was a tornado at Anderson Mill and 183. So, there was a tornado probably less than a mile away from me and I knew nothing about it.
Oh well, here is a picture of a downed tree. I don't know where it's at, but it's a product of the storm. Looks like some areas got the crap beat out of them.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Making a grid (painting project part 2)
Well, as you can see I've hardly made any progress on my painting. I tried over the weekend but it was just too hard to take the photograph I am using and recreating it on such a large canvas. I decided I would draw a grid on the photograph and then on the canvas to make it easier.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I am trying to break your heart
You know that guy at every rock concert who knows all the names of the band's songs and yells them between songs in the order he wants to hear them? The guy seems to be on a first name basis with the lead singer, but the lead singer never acknowledges him when he says "Hey Jeff, over here, play ____________!!" And the guy always yells at the band to play 'Freebird,' even though Lynyrd Skynyrd isn't playing. And the guy who plays air guitar during guitar solos and does the running man in a packed crowd. Well, I was standing next to that guy at the Wilco show last night.
To make matters worse, that guy also had a really cute girlfriend, who appeared to not be on drugs nor affected at all when all the people around would throw a eye-rolling glance at her boyfriend everytime he would yell "Play Dreamer! Dreamer! Dreamer!" That guy would have shit his pants had Tweedy played 'Dreamer.'
I also happened to stand next to that girl. You know that girl who never lets go of her iPhone and texts messages her boyfriend during the whole show, but somehow manages to listen and dance and wave her arm in the air nearly taking out the heads of everyone around her? Luckily, that girl was only around for about 3 songs.

Thursday, May 8, 2008
A rose is a rose is a rose
So I planted these little twigs in my backyard about two months ago and voila, now they have leaves. Hopefully soon they will have roses. I have one in each back corner of my backyard.
In my younger days I never thought I'd enjoy yardwork. Well, I did have a small place in front of my parent's house where I planted cherry tomatoes one year, but I hated mowing grass and any other kind of yard work. It may have been because my parents made me do it, or the fact that our yard was huge and consisted of a lot in the back that was full of weeds, baby mesquite trees, snakes, stickers and rocks. My dad bought the lot behind our house so no one else could build near us or God forbid, put a trailer behind our house.
The yard I have today is small. I have a reel mower and it takes me about 15 minutes to mow. I should probably buy some hand shears though because the grass is getting a little taller around the edges where my mower can't reach. A few months ago, you could have found me down on my hands and knees in my yard pulling up weeds. What has gotten into me? Is it ownership? Pride? Not really, it's my backyard, no one will see. Maybe, I'm just turning into what I've always thought I was: an old man.
In my younger days I never thought I'd enjoy yardwork. Well, I did have a small place in front of my parent's house where I planted cherry tomatoes one year, but I hated mowing grass and any other kind of yard work. It may have been because my parents made me do it, or the fact that our yard was huge and consisted of a lot in the back that was full of weeds, baby mesquite trees, snakes, stickers and rocks. My dad bought the lot behind our house so no one else could build near us or God forbid, put a trailer behind our house.
The yard I have today is small. I have a reel mower and it takes me about 15 minutes to mow. I should probably buy some hand shears though because the grass is getting a little taller around the edges where my mower can't reach. A few months ago, you could have found me down on my hands and knees in my yard pulling up weeds. What has gotten into me? Is it ownership? Pride? Not really, it's my backyard, no one will see. Maybe, I'm just turning into what I've always thought I was: an old man.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The beginning stages of....
I'm starting a painting. I bought a 36 X 48 inch canvas. I've had it for a couple weeks now and I'm just now getting the inspiration to start. I'm going to take pictures of every little step so you can watch me along the way.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hells Eight Belles
Went out to the horse track yesterday to place some bets. I bet a trifecta box with Big Brown, Pyro and Colonel John. Two horses came out of nowhere to place and show. I guess I should have just put all my money on Big Brown to win. I'm only out $20 so I guess it's not so bad.
When I got back in town I was invited to a college party. I guess I was feeling nostalgic so I went. Man, I'm old.
When I got back in town I was invited to a college party. I guess I was feeling nostalgic so I went. Man, I'm old.
Hang Them All
Went to See Tapes N Tapes Friday. I hadn't really listened to them much so I wasn't sure what to expect. One review I had read name-dropped The Pixies and Pavement. They have a couple good songs, but I'm gonna have to say "negative." They didn't sound like either of those bands. I bought their CD to see if they have that Pavement quality where you have to listen to the CD several times before you fall in love with it.
Friday, May 2, 2008
I want a Prius
I want a Prius. Gas is getting ridiculously expensive. My car gets pretty decent gas mileage, but the price of gas has quadrupled since I bought my car in 1999. I've decided to put my car up for barter on Craigslist to see if anyone will trade me there Prius.
Link here.
Link here.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I'm just Representin'
Looks like the state rep. from my district is in some hot water. I didn't vote for Mike Krusee (I didn't live in the district at the time), I don't really know anything about him, but since he's a politician I'm pretty sure he's a weasel. Here is a list of all the turdly bills he's authored.
Of all people you would think he'd know not to drive drunk in Williamson County.
Looks like the state rep. from my district is in some hot water. I didn't vote for Mike Krusee (I didn't live in the district at the time), I don't really know anything about him, but since he's a politician I'm pretty sure he's a weasel. Here is a list of all the turdly bills he's authored.
Of all people you would think he'd know not to drive drunk in Williamson County.
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